Friday, December 24, 2010


Now the movie results depends on the reviews of the critics,and stars given by the websites. But did the review writers know how pain it is to make a movie in this competition world.they should show some consideration on the movie makers and workers who for the particular movie.It's hard work of hundreds of workers for months.and the writers don't have time time watch the complete movie, but have time to write paragraphs of the story and the review of the movie...this is so ridiculous...and weird....

A Movie is made with the collection of hard of different people in different sections like direction,photography and acting sections, but why not these review writers consider those people hard work while writing a review.

I am very much vexed with these reviews, because we boys in foreign countries entirely depend on the review before watching movie. This culture should change for us, because some of our boys know how pain it is to make a movie, but most of are very much interested in knowing the story before watching it.Even we don't know how much crazy are these writers for writing a review of a story. If these writers are having that much of talent why don't they write a good story and pass it to the directors which can make tremendous change to the film industry.

Last but not least to these review writers , before writing a review try to consider the hard work and pain of the film makers.Please it will be easy to write a five paragraphs of story but its not that much easy to make two and half hour movie.



Now a days education has become one of the prominent business of the modern world. Normally there been a saying that student's are the pillars of the nation, but in this case the same students are becoming the pillars for the education business. The main culprit for the business is the hype of the SCORES.The grades of the students are creating a hype for their business but not the knowledge.The students are used as robots to meant for only murmuring the book knowledge but not the general knowledge..

Not only education systems.. even the parents of the students are been part of this corrupting business..They think that Society hype for their family is generated by their children educational background in the modern world.The world should be aware of this educational system..students should be like the pillars for the nation but the culprits for their own business..

Normally parents think that where thee is a score there is a education, but for one moment why cant they think how they are able to get that score? , and how the education system works there?No they don't need that there aim is there children need to be the highest scores at the end..with a Nil knowledge of the subject. Their belief is that where there are marks there is knowledge.

But in some cases that may be false, why cant an average marks students can have more general knowledge than compared to the highest scores.There are chances to be like this. but why the most prestigious institutions like BITS,IIT,VIT and many more institutions give weighted to the marks rather than the knowledge on the particular subject. This system need to be changed and system should arise where there can give general knowledge rather spoon feeding knowledge.

Therese an old saying mentioning that "BOOK IS ONE OF THE GOOD FRIEND U CAN HAVE IN THE WORLD", yes that is true..but there is a slight different between book knowledge and general knowledge. Book knowledge can give you only marks but general knowledge can give you knowledge how to live in the present world. Now the students should need general knowledge rather book knowledge.

In my opinion this hype of the marks should go and every student should be treated in the same manner,there are no students who are meant to be clever,average and below average. There are so many educational institutions which divide the students sections according to the marks they obtained..this system should be demolished. And one more thing no student is having zero knowledge. In the sense they are talented in some other aspects.If we train them according to that there are chances where we can get one more SACHIN,VISWANATH ANAND and many more most prominent idols of the world. This nature of the child can be found by the parents at the earliest stage it self..

So, If we built nation with the youth with a knowledge and desire of the nation. This hype of marks should not arise any more in the institutions.

According to my post i can say only one thing "Marks doesn't create students, Students create marks "


When every one is teen age they think that we have grown up and when they come across a beautiful girl,then in a fraction of second they decides that she is their life partner that god had sent her for their life. But in that a fraction they only listen to the world what it says. 

But in my point of view, love can changes life.When i was in my teen age i used to agree that the love is useless...and love is meant for time wasters... but when i saw my girl my heart started to beat faster and the world blind..and she was the light of mine in that..dark world..And at that point i have decided she is mine and i have tried for love for nearly fourteen years..and at last i have succeeded...with her love.. 

But life is always with up and downs..suddenly a dramatic change taken place in my life..when thing went wrong..and now i am in a situation where , i am in the middle of the sea. It has taken fourteen succeed on my love but now i don't know how long it takes to remain as me in future....

Now u people can understand why i need to say these thing in my blog? because every one who r in love should be confident enough for what ever happens in their life..should also be confident enough to accept what ever gods decision is towards u...